New Disease Reports (2004) 10, 10.

First report of Melampsoridium hiratsukanum infecting alder (Alnus orientalis var. orientalis) in Turkey

H. Bakır Sert 1,2* and H. Sümbül 1


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Accepted: 30 Sep 2004

During a disease survey between 1999 and 2001, in the Antalya province of southern Anatolia (Fig. 1), uredinial sori caused by a rust fungus were observed on the leaves and fruits of Alnus orientalis var. orientalis (Fagaceae).

The symptoms observed on infected leaves and the spore morphology matched with those described for a Melampsoridium species (Kurkela et al., 1998; Roll-Hansen & Roll-Hansen, 1981). The sori, which occurred on the lower side of the leaves, were 3-5 mm in diameter and orange-yellow in colour (Fig. 2). Microscopic examination revealed uniformly echinulate urediniospores, measuring 21-35 x 10-16µm. The thickness of the episporium was 1.1-1.45 µm and the ostiolar cells, 41.5-51.8 µm long. Two Melampsoridium species have been described on alders: M. alni and M. hiratsukanum. Melampsoridum alni is very similar morphologically to the leaf rust of birch, M. betulinum, whereas M. hiratsukanum, is morphologically distinguishable from the two (Szabo, 2002). The rust identified in this report accuratley matches the morphological description of M. hiratsukanum.

This is the first record of M. hiratsukanum on alder in Turkey. This fungus has been recorded on a diverse range of Alnus species in the world (Farr et al., 2004), however this is the first specific report of infection on Alnus orientalis var. orientalis.

Figure 1: Map showing Antalya province of southern Anatolia, Turkey where Melampsoridium hiratsukanum was identified
Figure 1: Map showing Antalya province of southern Anatolia, Turkey where Melampsoridium hiratsukanum was identified


We wish to thank to Prof. Dr. Mustafa Işıloglu for his valuable comments and Akdeniz University Scientific Research Project Unit for the financial support (Project no: 21.01.0121.01).


  1. Farr DF, Rossman AY, Palm ME, McCray EB, 2004. Fungal Databases. Beltsville, USA: Systematic Botany & Mycology Laboratory, USDA-ARS [ fungaldatabases].
  2. Kurkela T, Hanso M, Hantula J, 1999. Differentiating characteristics between Melampsoridium rusts infecting birch and alder leaves. Mycologia 91, 987-992.
  3. Roll-Hansen F, Roll-Hansen H, 1981. Melampsoridium on Alnus in Europe. M. alni conspecific with M. betulinum. European Journal of Forest Pathology 11, 77-87.
  4. Szabo I, 2002. First Report of Melampsoridium hiratsukanum on common alder in Hungary. Plant Pathology 51, 804.
  5. The British Society for Plant Pathology

This report was formally published in Plant Pathology

©2004 The Authors