New Disease Reports (2013) 28, 12. []
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First report of potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease associated with PVY recombinant strains in Ireland

F. Hutton 1*, S. Kildea 1, D. Griffin 1, J. Spink 1, G. Doherty 2 and A. Hunter 3


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Received: 02 Sep 2013; Published: 13 Nov 2013

Keywords: Potato virus Y, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Irish potato crops

Potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease (PTNRD) as described by Kus et al., (1992) is found worldwide but has not previously been identified in Ireland. In recent years necrotic symptoms, veinal necrosis, spots, mottling, mosaics and chlorosis have been observed on potato foliage in different regions across Ireland. In 2011 and 2012 affected leaves were serologically tested by double antibody sandwich-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) according to the method of Clarke et al., (1977). In some instances these symptoms were associated with PVY. Further analysis of PVY positive samples using RT-PCR, as described by Lorenzen et al., (2006) confirmed the presence of the recombinant strains PVYNTN and PVYN:O (Fig. 1). No tuber samples were available to determine if their presence was associated with PNTRD.

In 2013, foliage of the cultivar Nicola grown in County Carlow, Ireland showing mosaic, veinal necrosis and chlorosis (Fig. 2) was sampled and serologically and molecularly analysed as described above. Presence of PVY was confirmed by DAS-ELISA, and RT-PCR analysis confirmed the presence of both PVYNTN and PVYN:O. Tubers from the infected plants were harvested and, following storage at ambient temperature for 28 days, developed the typical superficial necrotic ringspot disease (Beczner et al., 1984) (Fig. 3). This is the first report of PTNRD associated with PVY recombinant strains in Ireland.

Figure 1: Multiplex RT-PCR assay results. From left to right: L = 100-bp molecular size ladder, H2O = Blank Control, 1 = PVYO, 2 = PVYN:O, 3 = PVYNTN, 4 = PVYNTN, 5 = PVYNTN, 6 = PVYN:O, 7 = PVYO, H2O = Blank Control, L = 100-bp molecular size ladder.
Figure 1: Multiplex RT-PCR assay results. From left to right: L = 100-bp molecular size ladder, H2O = Blank Control, 1 = PVYO, 2 = PVYN:O, 3 = PVYNTN, 4 = PVYNTN, 5 = PVYNTN, 6 = PVYN:O, 7 = PVYO, H2O = Blank Control, L = 100-bp molecular size ladder.
Figure 2: Foliage of the cultivar Nicola showing typical venial necrosis associated with recombinant strains of PVY.
Figure 2: Foliage of the cultivar Nicola showing typical venial necrosis associated with recombinant strains of PVY.
Figure 3: Tubers of the cultivar Nicola showing typical potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease symptoms.
Figure 3: Tubers of the cultivar Nicola showing typical potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease symptoms.


Assistance from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine inspectors and Teagasc colleagues, in collecting the samples is gratefully acknowledged. The authors would like to thank Carlow Institute of Technology students Leona Murphy and Jennifer Dermody for their help in leaf sampling and analysing results.


  1. Beczner L, Horváth J, Romhányi I, Förster, H (1984). Studies on the etiology of tuber necrotic ringspot disease in potato. Potato Research 27, 339–352. []
  2. Clark MF, Adams AN, 1977. Characteristics of microplate method of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of plant viruses. Journal of General Virology 34, 475-483. []
  3. Kus M, 1992. Potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease. Varietal differences in appearance of ringspot necrosis symptoms on tubers. In:Coleccion Congresos No. 7. Proceedings of the Virology Section Meeting of the European Association of Potato Research, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco, 81-83.
  4. Lorenzen JH, Piche LM, Gudmestad NC, Meacham T, Shiel P, 2006. A multiplex PCR assay to characterize Potato virus Y isolates and identify strain mixtures. Plant Disease 90, 935-940. [ ]

To cite this report: Hutton F, Kildea S, Griffin D, Spink J, Doherty G, Hunter A, 2013. First report of potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease associated with PVY recombinant strains in Ireland. New Disease Reports 28, 12. []

©2013 The Authors