New Disease Reports (2009) 19, 18.

Seiridium cardinale newly reported on Cupressus sempervirens in Morocco

R. Danti 1*, G. Della Rocca 1 and F. El Wahidi 2


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Accepted: 20 Mar 2009

Cypress canker, caused by Seiridium cardinale, is a serious fungal disease on Cupressus spp. that are native and widely planted in the Mediterranean region (Graniti, 1998). Although the disease is mentioned as a potential threat for cypress in Morocco (Stiki, 1994; Ghaioule et al., 1999), it has never been scientifically described in this location.

In July, 2007, in a garden a few kilometres north of Imouzzer Kandar, Morocco, 10-year-old ornamental C. sempervirens trees were observed with crown reddening, branch dieback (Fig. 1) and resin exudation from bark lesions. Fungal isolations were made from fragments of necrotic bark from two trees.

Dense, cottony colonies, 61-68 mm in diameter, with a white margin, a thicker olive green centre, and a salmon orange reverse side, developed on potato dextrose agar (PDA) after 21 days at 25° C in the dark. Colonies produced acervuli and conidia after three weeks at 18° C under a mixture of fluorescent and near ultraviolet light on water agar. Conidia were fusiform, straight or slightly curved, 22.3-28.2 x 7.9-9.7 μm, 5euseptate, with hyaline, conical end cells lacking any appendage, and the four median cells yellow-brown (Fig. 2).Based upon these characteristics, the fungus was identified as S. cardinale (Graniti, 1998).An isolate (CBS 123991) was deposited at the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Stem inoculations with isolate 123991 were done in May, 2008 on three year old susceptible, tolerant and resistant clones of C. sempervirens, as described by Danti et al. (2006). Three months later, elliptical, 54-72 mm long, purple-brown cankers were clearly visible on all inoculated stems (Fig. 3). The fungus was successfully re-isolated from the inner necrotic periderm. Control trees, inoculated with sterile PDA plugs, healed normally.

This is the first report of S. cardinale in Morocco. The disease has also been observed on adult C. sempervirens trees in Rabat and Marrakesh (Fig. 4). Since both early (crown reddening) and advanced (bare branch) symptom development were observed on diseased trees, S. cardinale has probably been spreading in Morocco for some years that may give rise to epidemics, as occurred in other Mediterranean countries and recently reported in Cyprus (Tsopelas et al., 2008). A detailed survey on cypress is needed to plan proper control measures.

Figure 1: Crown reddening and dieback of Cupressus sempervirens caused by Seiridium cardinale
Figure 1: Crown reddening and dieback of Cupressus sempervirens caused by Seiridium cardinale
Figure 2: Conidia produced in vitro by an isolate of Seiridium cardinale (CBS 123991) from Morocco (bar = 100 μm).
Figure 2: Conidia produced in vitro by an isolate of Seiridium cardinale (CBS 123991) from Morocco (bar = 100 μm).
Figure 3: Elliptical, purplish canker developed on the stem of a Cupressus sempervirens sapling two months after artificial inoculation with an isolate of Seiridium cardinale (CBS 123991)
Figure 3: Elliptical, purplish canker developed on the stem of a Cupressus sempervirens sapling two months after artificial inoculation with an isolate of Seiridium cardinale (CBS 123991)
Figure 4: Heavy damage caused by Seiridium cardinale on a Cupressus sempervirens tree in Marrakesh
Figure 4: Heavy damage caused by Seiridium cardinale on a Cupressus sempervirens tree in Marrakesh


  1. Danti R, Panconesi A, Di Lonardo V, Della Rocca G, Raddi P, 2006. 'Italico' and 'Mediterraneo': two Seiridium cardinale canker-resistant cypress cultivars of Cupressus sempervirens. HortScience 41, 1357-1359.
  2. Graniti A, 1998. Cypress canker: a pandemic in progress. Annual Review of Phytopathology 36, 91-114.
  3. Ghaioule D, Abourouh M, Bakry M, 1999. Les champignons pathogenes des forets marocaines. Annales de la Recherche Forestière au Maroc 32, 145-156.
  4. Stiki A, 1994. Chancre cortical du Cyprès. In: Ravageurs et maladies des forêts au Maroc. Rabat, Morocco: Direction de la Protection des Végétaux et des Contrôles Techniques et de la Répression des Fraudes, 82-85.
  5. Tsopelas P, Angelopoulos A, Nikolaou K, 2008. Seiridium cardinale is a new threat to cypress trees in Cyprus. Plant Pathology 57, 784.

This report was formally published in Plant Pathology

©2009 The Authors